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来源:今日招聘 | 发布时间:2022-11-14 19:05:47 |  访问:985

隆德大学(lund university)是瑞典王国一所现代化、具有高度活力和历史悠久的欧洲顶级学府,综合研究型大学,世界百强大学。其历史可以追溯到1425年毗邻隆德大教堂的方济各会学校,是斯堪的纳维亚半岛最古老的高等教育机构。1658年,瑞典从丹麦赢得斯科耐,随后该校于1666年在毗邻隆德大教堂的旧综合学院校址上正式成立。

postdoctoral researcher in data-driven, multimodal modeling of neurodegenerative disease

lund university


lund university, faculty of medicine, department of clinical sciences,


lund university was founded in 1666 and is repeatedly ranked among the world's top 100 universities. the university has around 44 000 students and more than 8 000 staff based in lund, helsingborg and malm?. we are united in our efforts to understand, explain and improve our world and the human condition.

lund university welcomes applicants with diverse backgrounds and experiences. we regard gender equality and diversity as a strength and an asset.

description of the workplace

the research group for clinical memory research, led by oskar hansson, conducts research in dementia. the research includes animal- and cell biology experiments, and works with cohorts of patients undergoing extensive neuroimaging, biomarker measurements and neuropsychological testing. the postdoctoral researcher will join a growing multidisciplinary team of neuroscientists and clinical researchers who are dedicated to increasing our collective understanding about neurodegenerative diseases. more information can be found here.

the postdoctoral researcher will be working in jacob vogel's lab, which is part of the research group. our research uses data-driven approaches to model biological processes marking the onset and progression of neurodegenerative diseases, such as alzheimer's disease, lewy body dementias, and frontotemporal dementia spectrum disorders. we specialize in various statistical learning approaches, which we apply to large datasets combining neuroimaging, genomic, and other multi-omic data. the long-term goal of our research is to contribute to the development of new treatments for neurodegenerative diseases, where clinically meaningful treatments are still lacking.

we are committed to creating a positive, respectful and stimulating environment. we value communication and collaboration, and we strive for a workplace that promotes learning and development of all employees. we are also committed to building a safe and positive environment for all employees through mutual respect and toleration. this position will be placed at bmc in lund, sweden.

research area

while our lab is involved in a wide range of different pursuits, our principal research aims focus on the i) resolving disease heterogeneity, ii) charting disease-associated molecular changes, iii) using statistical learning to forecasting disease outcomes, and iv) studying indices of disease vulnerability and resilience across the lifespan. we pursue these aims by integrating data across several large and deeply phenotyped public and private datasets that include multi-omic, neuroimaging (pet, mri, fmri, dwi), cognitive, neuropathology, and in vivo (cerebrospinal fluid) data, often in the same individuals.

work duties and areas or responsibilities

as a postdoctoral researcher you will primarily participate in data analysis as it pertains to research foci described above. the exact project will be decided with your input in an attempt to tailor the project focus to your interests and skillset. other work responsibilities may include: data curation and processing; composition, editing, or executing of computational scripts; presenting data and findings at internal and external research meetings; composition of scientific manuscripts; informal mentorship of and skill- sharing with other employees; and/or composition of grants and/or research fellowships. other work duties may also occur.


appointment to a post-doctoral position requires that the applicant has a phd, or an international degree deemed equivalent to a phd, within the subject of the position. this eligibility requirement needs to be met no later than the time when the employment decision is made. we will mainly consider candidates who have completed their phd degree no more than three (3) years before the last date for applications. under special circumstances, the doctoral degree can have been completed earlier. these circumstances refer to leave due to illness, parental leave, clinical work, positions of trust within trade union organizations or other similar circumstances.

basis for assessment

at lund university, employment as a postdoctoral researcher provides opportunities for scientific and pedagogical merit. there is mainly room for merit in research, but also for certain higher education pedagogical training. teaching may be included in the tasks.

for the employment as a postdoctoral research, scientific ability will primarily be taken into account.

other qualifications

the following are also required for the position:

ph.d. in engineering, neuroscience, statistics, quantitative biology, physics, mathematics or a related discipline;

fluency in computational programming, preferably using python or r

familiarity and experience with high-performance cluster-based computing

expertise in statistical modeling

ability to independently perform large-scale data analyses

excellent communications skills in english, both verbal and written

a proven track record of research productivity

candidate should be thorough, detail-oriented, and should demonstrate an intrinsic motivation for research into neurodegenerative diseases

the following are considered to be a merit:

research experience in the field of neurodegenerative disease

experience with curation, preprocessing and/or analysis of neuroimaging, genomic, or other types of omics data

familiarity with git and github and/or datalad

expertise in statistical learning approaches (e.g. machine learning, deep learning)

familiarity with best practices in reproducibility and open science

individuals from diverse or underrepresented backgrounds are encouraged to apply

terms of employment this is a full-time employment limited to 2 years with preliminary start date on or after 1st of february 2023, or according to agreement. the period of employment is determined in accordance with the agreement “avtal om tidsbegr?nsadanst?llningsompostdoktor” (“agreement on fixed-term employment as a post-doctoral researcher”) between saco-s, ofr/s and seko, dated november 19, 2021. extension of position up to an additional year may be possible.


applications must include a personal motivation letter, a cv, contact information of three references, a diploma and other documents you wish to be considered (e.g. letters of recommendation). if your diploma has not yet been issued when you apply for the position, please send it in afterwards via e-mail to linnea gard (linnea.gard@med.lu.se).

the faculty of medicine is a part of lund university, and is responsible for education and research within medicine and healthcare. our academic programs are closely linked with the healthcare system and are firmly anchored in the faculty's strong research tradition. our research spans a broad field within experimental preclinical research, near-patient clinical research and health sciences research. the faculty of medicine, with its 1,800 employees and 2,700 students in lund and malm?, is a knowledge-intensive meeting place for students, teachers and researchers from all over the world.

the department of clinical sciences, malm? is one of the six departments at the faculty of medicine, lund university. we have a strong focus on clinical and epidemiological research and also conduct an extensive preclinical laboratory research.

we kindly decline all sales and marketing contacts.

type of employment temporary position longer than 6 months

contract type full time number of positions 1 full-time equivalent 100 city lund county sk?nel?n country sweden reference number pa2022/3416 contact

jacob vogel, associate senior lecturer, jacob.vogel@med.lu.se

oskar hansson, professor, head of research group, oskar.hansson@med.lu.se

linnea gard, hr-coordinator, linnea.gard@med.lu.se,+46738046483

union representative

ofr/st:fackf?rbundet st:s kansli, 046-2229362

saco:saco-s-r?det vid lundsuniversitet, kansli@saco-s.lu.se

seko: seko civil, 046-2229366

published 02.nov.2022 last application date 31.dec.2022 11:59 pm cet


推荐:更多瑞典隆德大学2022年招聘博士后(数据驱动的多模式神经退行性疾病建模) 请关注 今日招聘官方微信公众号


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