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来源:今日招聘 | 发布时间:2022-07-27 00:20:39 |  访问:693


research fellow in machine learning for climate adaptation in wheat

university of leeds


we seek a motivated and versatile post-doctoral researcher to work on the genadapt project – genotypic and environmental adaptation through data driven prediction techniques. genadapt is funded under the ukri programme “molecules to landscapes: building interdisciplinary capabilities,” which aims to build collaborations that lead to the creation of interdisciplinary research communities, and to impact challenges with ‘real world' implications. this post gives the successful applicant the chance to be at the forefront of new interdisciplinary capabilities supporting plant breeding.

genadapt will improve our capacity to rapidly adapt wheat to climate change. the current pipeline to enhance adaptation is based on continual trial and error of plant crosses and tends to focus on the adaptation of a single trait to a specific environment. genadapt seeks to combine the recent availability of large numbers of field trials with advances in machine learning techniques to speed up this process.

you will have a phd or be near completion of a phd in a scientific or mathematical discipline. you will be a strong programmer with experience of working with large data sets and statistical methods, and have a passion for generating knowledge through interdisciplinary science and fostering collaborations across disciplines.

you will work within the collegiate and dynamic environment of the climate impacts group, which is part of the school of earth and environment, and the faculty of biological sciences.

to explore the post further or for any queries you may have, please contact:

andy challinor, chair of climate impacts

tel: +44 (0)113 343 3194, email: a.j.challinor@leeds.ac.uk


推荐:更多英国利兹大学2022年招聘博士后职位(机器学习用于小麦气候适应) 请关注 今日招聘官方微信公众号


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